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Hoolauna Welcome Event
Welcome in the 2024 paddling season! Ho'olauna - Hui Nalu's social event! Friday, May 24th from 4:00-7:30 PM. We will gather to celebrate our community of new and returning paddlers and their `ohana, learn about the many activities planned for the regatta season, and how you { Read More >> }
Talk Story / Movie Night
Movie: TBD
Clement D. Pai`aina Regatta
Clement D. Pai`aina Regatta Ke`ehi Lagoon (Healani)
King Kamehameha Day Regatta
King Kamehameha Day Regatta Kailua Beach (Kailua)
Father’s Day Regatta
Father`s Day Regatta Nanakuli Beach (Leeward Kai)
Waimanalo Regatta
Waimanalo Regatta Waimanalo Beach (Waimanalo)
Walter J. MacFarlane Regatta
Outrigger Canoe Club's Macfarlane Regatta recap The July 4th Walter Macfarlane Regatta was an epic surf day with lots of action: battling waves, having fun, sometimes chaotic rides, and many close-close finishes. If you signed up for the Duke’s buffet breakfast, it was a bonus!! Hui { Read More >> }
HN Camp Out
Place: Malaekahana