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RWR Hana Pūko‘a – Maunalua Bay (9AM-1PM)
Join the Restore with Resilience team and fragment resilient corals of opportunity for restoration.

During a Hana Pūko‘a (Working Together for Coral) event, volunteers assist coral researchers from the CRL to process locally-sourced corals of opportunity for stress testing and future outplanting in Maunalua Bay. Volunteers will help identify coral species, tag coral colonies, track bleaching scores, and secure coral fragments to aragonite plugs. Certain machinery is necessary to work with corals. Tools and equipment used during a Hana Pūko‘a include but are not limited to hammers, chisels, drills, and a diamond blade bandsaw.

Check out the following video for more information about what happens during a Hana Pūko‘a. To learn more about the Restore with Resilience project, check out Restore with Resilience.

*NOTE* Do not handle any live corals without obtaining proper permits. Special permits are required for handling coral in Hawai‘i.

To register and learn more about volunteering at the coral tables:
Eventbrite link

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